Selasa, Mei 26, 2009
Sabtu, Mei 23, 2009
Think twice, please
curang dalam ujian, memalsukan dokumen, mendekati zina [kissing, hugging, holding hands], berzina, berdusta, mencuri hak orang lain, narkoba, merokok, mencuri pacar orang, mencuri suami orang, dan lain lain dan banyak lagi....
Sayangnya, seringkali bukan hanya kita yang harus menanggungnya. Tapi orang-orang disekitar kita juga turut menanggung akibat, dan kadang mereka lah yang harus ‘membayar’nya…. Sementara kita menjalani sisa hidup dengan perasaan bersalah krn sudah menghancurkan, bukan saja masa depan kita sendiri. Tapi juga masa depan orang lain
— | Gunakan akal sehatmu. Supaya akal tetap sehat, jangan mabuk. Gunakan hati nuranimu. Supaya nurani tetap bisa mencegahmu berbuat nakal, maka dekatkan diri kepadaNYA. Jangan gunakan nafsumu, karena kesenangan sesaat itu hanya membuahkan sesal. Karena kadang, tidak ada kesempatan kedua.... So just be careful... |
Senin, Mei 18, 2009
You can tell the character of every man when you see how he receives praise.
— Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD), Epistles
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.
— Japanese Proverb
A person reveals his character by nothing so clearly as the joke he resents.
— Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799).
Men show their characters in nothing more clearly than in what they think laughable.
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832).
Jumat, Mei 15, 2009
How fat are you?
How fat are you?
When I was still on junior high-school, I weight 58 kilos. And surely I dont have a good image toward my body although I dont show it to other people very often by saying, “Doh, I’m sooooo fat”, etc. I’m 157 cm tall, by the way.
by the way, whether you’re really fat or not, It’s VERY ANNOYING to keep on being negative toward your body by complaining at least one a day : “Oh my, I’m soooo FAT!”. People around you could get really irritated to hear that, you know?
On my senior high-school time, I regularly went swimming. Not very often actually, only once a week except when I’m on my period. After 2 years swimming regularly, I lost only 3 kilos but my size went down several number. From L to M. And my belly is flat.
Now, I’m 70 kilos. I’ve gained 15 kilos on the past 9 years, especially after 2004. So when I recall those old memories with my 55 kilos body, where I can use the dress/ tshirt on size M/L, I got happy now!
I didnt fat at that moment! I was only a bit plumpy! But yeah I’m overweight now, hehe… Surprisingly, I got more confident after I’m 70 rather than when I was still 55…. Alhamdulillah
Back to my 55 kilos body, at that moment, still, I feel the urge to lo lose 5-7 more kilos (what the….!) because I read on a teen magazine (those magazine with all the skinny models and beauty advertisement could really give us a hard time, leaving us feeling sorry for our body, dont you think??) and that magazine told the readers that we should count for our ideal weight, this way:
(our height – 110) = our ideal weight
So it means, when I’m 157 cm tall, (157 – 110) = my ideal weight should be less than 50 kilos!! OMG!
After several years of thinking and evaluating, I can say that, that calculation is irrational and that kind of standard will give teenagers (especially GIRLS) a bad impact! Okay, that standard may works on those supermodel, but most of those skinny-super-skinny supermodels dont live healthily, I bet!
I think, the best way to calculate your ideal weight is:
(our height – 100)
Do you know the fact that man prefer a more plumpy (berisi/montok) woman? But Woman enjoys to see other woman who is SKINNY. Yeah, surprise… surprise…
But no, I dont mean to say that you cant be a skinny girl/woman,and if you think that your ideal weight is (your height – 110), well it’s okay then. It’s your body anyway. BUT…
I urge you to go consulting to a nutrician/ doctor about the way you’re going to lose your weights (what kind of diet, how many calories should you take each day, how many times a week should you exercise, etc).
And yeah baby, there’s no way as a shortcut to a slimmer body!! So just forget those pills advertized in the magazine! If you dont want to do regular exercise, so dont even dream to lose weights! Doing exercise regularly is the best way to lose weights.
And oh yeah, you might want to calculate your ideal weight by using BMI (Body Mass Index). Mine shows me that I’m overweight, so I guess I have to start doing exercise regularly if I want to maintain my health!
Selasa, Mei 12, 2009
The indifference
On Thursday night, when I was on my bed with my headache tried to kill me, I watched Oprah. The episode invited John Quinones from Primetime series, “What Would You Do” at ABC channel [see the recap here!].
Well you can see the summary of the episode by yourself at the link, I just want to quote one sentence from it :
It’s not hatred that kills people. It’s the indifference.
I got,….. WOW, that’s so true!
When you see someone with a bruise on her face, come to work, and it is so clear that she had cried before. What will you do? (1) Ask her what happened, or (2) just leave her alone with her problem realizing that it isnt your business??
Even after you hear her story of being abused physically (domestic violence) by her boyfriend, parents, or husband… what will you do? (1) Just try to calm her down, or (2) report it to the authority?
IMHO: we must know that, when somebody is being abused (especially when it physically cos it leaves the body with evidences like bruises) BUT the victims dont call anyone for help, then it’s our DUTY as human being to automatically doing something! Even when the victim said, “Leave me alone, it’s none of your business!”
But somebody still have to help him/her. Why? Because she/he cant help him/herself!! In other way, when we keep silence and doing nothing, not even try to talk to the victim and calm her/him down, we will be indifferent.
When we have stopped to care toward each other, that’s when we should ask ourself ,”Are we even human anymore?”
Sabtu, Mei 02, 2009
Children and Money
Kapan hari di Oprah membahas tentang panduan pengelolaan uang di rumah tangga untuk ortu dan anak. Here are some of the tips and tricks I got :
1. Start talking about money to your children, tentang bagaimana kamu dan mereka akan membelanjakan uang dan menabungnya. Ortu adalah teladan bagi anak, jadi mereka akan meniru cara ortu berbelanja, bukannya mendengarkan nasihat kita. Anak jadi boros, atau jadi rajin menabung? Semua tergantung dari gaya belanja ortu.
2. Start paying for things in cash. Jika anak terlalu sering melihat ortu membayar dengan duit-yg-ga-kliyatan alias debit-card ato credit card, mereka akan lebih menggampang-kan pengeluaran uang. Dibanding dengan jika ortu/ anak belanja dengan cash, kan bakal keliatan tuh: tadinya di dompet ada 100ribu, setelah belanja 40ribu- duit tinggal 60ribu. Dengan melihat langsung berkurangnya duit/uang, maka anak akan merasa eman atau kehilangan. Ini akan mendorong anak berfikir 2x sebelum berbelanja.
3. Jangan biasakan mengganti kualitas dan kuantitas pertemuan ortu-anak, dengan membelikan mereka hadiah atau barang sebagai gantinya. Jika ortu berjanji akan pergi bersama anak dikala weekend, dan lantas tidak dapat memenuhi janji tersebut… jangan memberikan mereka uang dan menyuruh mereka pergi ke mall sendiri untuk having fun. Sesungguhnya yang berarti bagi anak itu adalah acara bersama ortu. Kalo dibiasakan begitu terus, nanti anak jadi males berkumpul bersama keluarga (biasanya ni anak usia ABG) dan lebih pilih dapet mentahnya aja.
4. Dont tell children that you can afford to buy things when you actually cant. Kalo kondisi keuangan sedang tidak mencukupi untuk mengirim anak darmawisata bersama sekolahnya keluar kota atau keluar negeri, yang katakan bahwa anda sedang tidak mampu. Jangan malah ngutang kesana-kemari untuk memenuhi keinginan (utang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan aja sebaiknya dihindari kok)
5. Prioitize, buy what you need not what you want. Jika anak merengek minta iPod seharga 1 juta, biarkan mereka menunggu dan memikirkan kembali keinginan mereka itu, paling nggak selama 2-3 minggu. Jika setelah batas wakt, mereka masih ngebet pengen beli, ya belikan-lah jika kamu emang mampu. Dengan membiarkan mereka menunggu terkabulnya keinginan (bukan kebutuhan) mereka, ini akan mencegah terjadinya impulsive-shopping.
6. Children must know that : you do not automatically get allowance/ pocket money just because you’re the member of the family. but you have to do some chores to get that money. -> ini kayaknya cuman pas buat American family ya, yg hidup tanpa pembantu. Di Indonesia mah, gaji pembantu murah bener dan semua keluarga punya pembantu, ya anak Indonesia (dari keluarga menengah keatas) jarang ada yang diharuskan cuci piring, cuci-setrika baju, potong rumput, cuci mobil, dll.
7. Credit card for teenagers? Apakah remaja dibawah usia 20 yg belum pernah bekerja untuk mendapatkan uang, sudah pantas dan cukup betranggung jawab untuk memperoleh kartu kredit yg masih dibayari oleh ortu? Mending kartu debit deh, jadi mereka hanya berbelanja sesuai dengan uang yg mereka miliki. Jangan memulai kebiasaan berhutang!! Pake kartu kredit kan sama aja dengan ngutang, walo tiap bulan ada min. payment. Tp kalo bayar min. payment doank, kapan lunasnya sementara bunga jalan terus??!
Yah begitulah kira-kira yang saya dapatkan dari episod Oprah waktu itu. Semoga berguna yaaa….